Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Mighty #4

Before I get started working this morning, I should probably point out that THE MIGHTY #4, America's favorite little comic that could, arrived in stores yesterday. Don't have my copies yet either, let's have a race to the comic shop!

Some people are going to say that they saw the end of #4 coming a mile away, I'm sure. But just because you may have seen something happen doesn't mean you know why it happened. The direction of the book shifts pretty radically over the next four issues, then again over the course of the final four. So hang on tight and by all means, let us know what you think!


Sunday, May 03, 2009


Oh, my poor, neglected blog...

I have in my hands, at long last, a copy of Dean Koontz' NEVERMORE #1, written by yours truly with art by Andy Smith, which arrived in stores last Wednesday. The first issue is 30 pages (instead of the usual 22 ) based on an original premise and characters created by Dean Koontz.

I think the first issue sets the stage pretty well for the series. First issues are always tough because there's so much stage setting to be done, it can leave little room for anything aside from pointing out who everyone is and what they want. I think we hit a nice balance by telling a complete story while still setting up the bigger picture.

Great coloring job over Andy's lush visuals, too.

I've got lots of blogging to catch up on, solicits for upcoming work to point out, Mighty thoughts to share etc. I should be back in the swing of updating fairly regularly again so if you're inclined, feel free to check back. And if you're a generous soul, try to find a copy of Nevermore #1.