At the San Diego Convention over the weekend, IDW announced during their Saturday panel that I'm writing the revival of the Ghostbusters, a four-issue series we tagged GHOSTBUSTERS: THE OTHER SIDE, beginning in October.
Here are some links to interviews about the project. I even got interviewed by MTV for this one, kind of a nice change of pace. I still heart Vaneta the most though, she always does the best job and one Newsarama reader even called me a douchebag in the comments section. Gotta love my adoring public!
I've done a lot of soul searching this year over the type of projects I want to write, something I'll probably blog about more at a later date. The key for me though, my new manifesto in terms of writing gigs can be boiled down into one word: FUN.
Writing Ghostbusters is pure fun and working with Chris Ryall/IDW (and now, Andy Schmidt) has been an absolute pleasure. Top it off with getting to work with my friend Tom on art and I've stumbled into a great situation with this project. I'm a lucky bastard, plus I get paid thousands of dollars a decade!
Speaking of fun, I have another announcement to make but I wanted to hold off until after the San Diego show so it wouldn't get lost in the shuffle. Maybe in another week or so, maybe even on my birthday would be appropriate.
Thanks for reading and if you see any ghosts, give me a call!