Working on a Sunday today, figured I'd take a break to pay attention to my poor blog. I neglect her badly but she's always here waiting for me.
Last week, Titan Books announced the WWE HEROES cycle of series I'm writing for them. Just google WWE HEROES, KEITH CHAMPAGNE and you're sure to get a million sites running the press release. I've literally never gotten more interview requests and congratulatory emails about a project before. Took me a bit by surprise, really. Anyway, I'll have more to say about it as we get closer to the release of the first issue in March but for now, I've finished the first five-issue series and am ramping up to start the second this week.
The Mighty is wrapped. Tomasi and I finished the dialogue to the twelth issue a few weeks ago and we're both very, very happy with the way things end. That should be out in just a month or so, right after the new year. I'll have more to say about the Mighty when #12 ships, kind of an epilogue sort of post. It's been a great ride, the book has been very warmly reviewed all the way through, and I can't wait to work with Chris Samnee again.
Peter and I have finished up the pitch for the project we want to write next. It's another creator-owned series and will be published by either DC, Vertigo, or Wildstorm. More on that when there's more to say.
And finally, Death Valley has been pulled from the schedule by Desperado as they retool their publishing plans in light of their alliance with IDW. I'd like to get the book out there but I understand their position and it doesn't hurt to have a little extra breathing room to get the art completely finished before we start shipping. The idea was floated last week to publish it as a graphic novel so we'll see what happens.
Nevermore? Who knows. Now that Dabel Brothers has been purchased by Dynamite, I'll be speaking to Nick Barucci this week to figure it out. Once I'm caught up on money owed, I'll be happy to finish the series. I like Dynamite and Nicky is one of the good ones in an industry full of not-so-good. I'm sure this story will have a happy ending--even if Bobby Godric (the lead in Nevermore) doesn't.
And that's all for now. Catch up to everybody soon.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Hitting many bases
Been awhile, how's everybody doing out there? Thought I'd grab a few minutes on a miscellaneous day ( a day where I'm basically dotting t's and crossing i's...or something like that) to pop in and see what's shaking.
The Mighty #9 ships this Wednesday, I hope everybody will pick it up and are continuing to enjoy the story. Just four more issues until the end of 'Season One.' I shot my pass at the dialogue for #11 over to Tomasi this weekend, the amazing Chris Samnee has finished up issue #12, #10 is lettered and in the process of being colored so creatively, we're in the home stretch. The fit really hits the shan over the last handful of issues and I hope everyone feels that the long, slow build has been worth the wait.
In other news, Death Valley #1 is solicited from Desperado this month in the giant Previews phone book. It's my first western and I hope you'll come along for the ride and at least try the first issue. I don't think you'll be disappointed, especially if you like famous outlaws, ninjas, or famous outlaws fighting ninjas. A little something for the whole family in this one.
Moving on, I should know the issue number to this week's issue of Green Lantern Corp because I jumped in to ink a handful of pages and help beat the deadline crunch. Lots of fun inking my beloved Patrick Gleason and it's the first time we've worked together since I wrote and he drew our little Corpse story back in GLC #7-9. It's just as enjoyable to ink him as it is to write for him, I'm happy to say! I've inked a couple of pin-ups and covers over Pat over the years but this is the first time I've done interior work with him. Maybe I'll do some more in the future, I was surprised to find myself enjoying inking again.
Let's see...Dean Koontz' NEVERMORE from the Dabel Brothers should be a post unto itself. Not sure when #3 will arrive in stores but I'd imagine soon. Maybe I'll blog more about the behind-the-scenes on this project another time soon.
And lastly, for now, I'm going to accept a limited number of commissions for those interested. I'm often contacted by readers looking for personalized art and usually, I say no because I'm generally doing six hundred things on any given day and really can't squeeze in #601. But as an exercise in stretching my wings, I'm going to say yes to five or six. If you're interested, please email me at for prices/sizes/info for either a pencilled/inked piece or, if you have a previously pencilled commission you'd like inked, we can talk about that as well.
I'll try to pop in later this week to talk further about it but if I get sidetracked, I'll be appearing at Fallcon this coming weekend, Oct 9-11, in Minnesota. It's my third or fourth time being flown out for the show and Nick Post and his crew always put on a top notch convention. By all means, say hi if you're in the area.
More soon.
The Mighty #9 ships this Wednesday, I hope everybody will pick it up and are continuing to enjoy the story. Just four more issues until the end of 'Season One.' I shot my pass at the dialogue for #11 over to Tomasi this weekend, the amazing Chris Samnee has finished up issue #12, #10 is lettered and in the process of being colored so creatively, we're in the home stretch. The fit really hits the shan over the last handful of issues and I hope everyone feels that the long, slow build has been worth the wait.
In other news, Death Valley #1 is solicited from Desperado this month in the giant Previews phone book. It's my first western and I hope you'll come along for the ride and at least try the first issue. I don't think you'll be disappointed, especially if you like famous outlaws, ninjas, or famous outlaws fighting ninjas. A little something for the whole family in this one.
Moving on, I should know the issue number to this week's issue of Green Lantern Corp because I jumped in to ink a handful of pages and help beat the deadline crunch. Lots of fun inking my beloved Patrick Gleason and it's the first time we've worked together since I wrote and he drew our little Corpse story back in GLC #7-9. It's just as enjoyable to ink him as it is to write for him, I'm happy to say! I've inked a couple of pin-ups and covers over Pat over the years but this is the first time I've done interior work with him. Maybe I'll do some more in the future, I was surprised to find myself enjoying inking again.
Let's see...Dean Koontz' NEVERMORE from the Dabel Brothers should be a post unto itself. Not sure when #3 will arrive in stores but I'd imagine soon. Maybe I'll blog more about the behind-the-scenes on this project another time soon.
And lastly, for now, I'm going to accept a limited number of commissions for those interested. I'm often contacted by readers looking for personalized art and usually, I say no because I'm generally doing six hundred things on any given day and really can't squeeze in #601. But as an exercise in stretching my wings, I'm going to say yes to five or six. If you're interested, please email me at for prices/sizes/info for either a pencilled/inked piece or, if you have a previously pencilled commission you'd like inked, we can talk about that as well.
I'll try to pop in later this week to talk further about it but if I get sidetracked, I'll be appearing at Fallcon this coming weekend, Oct 9-11, in Minnesota. It's my third or fourth time being flown out for the show and Nick Post and his crew always put on a top notch convention. By all means, say hi if you're in the area.
More soon.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
The Mighty #7
Such a busy week, I forgot to pop over here to the blog and alert the world that THE MIGHTY #7 is now in better comic book stores across the nation. So get out there and add it to your personal collection, it's what all the cool kids are doing this summer.
I turned 39 a few days ago and had a random thought. According to life insurance actuarial tables, my life is well over half over. Statistically speaking, most men die in their 60's. Women live a bit longer on average, can't imagine why that would be...
Anyway, it's strange to think that possibly over half my time on this ball of mud has passed. I still feel like I'm barely getting started in so many ways. Guess I better buckle down and start living and working myself a little harder while I still can.
Back to The Mighty, if you're inclined to comment on #7, I'm interested in hearing where people think the story is headed. No one is really sure what Alpha-One is up to but he's proven to be devious. But is he devious for the right reasons (if there is such a thing)? Is he doing wrong for the greater good? Let me know what you think.
In other news, I'll be resuming a more frequent blogging schedule come September. Wasn't too long ago that I used to post a couple of times a week. There's quite a bit going on behind the scenes and I should be able to start talking a bit more about it soon.
I turned 39 a few days ago and had a random thought. According to life insurance actuarial tables, my life is well over half over. Statistically speaking, most men die in their 60's. Women live a bit longer on average, can't imagine why that would be...
Anyway, it's strange to think that possibly over half my time on this ball of mud has passed. I still feel like I'm barely getting started in so many ways. Guess I better buckle down and start living and working myself a little harder while I still can.
Back to The Mighty, if you're inclined to comment on #7, I'm interested in hearing where people think the story is headed. No one is really sure what Alpha-One is up to but he's proven to be devious. But is he devious for the right reasons (if there is such a thing)? Is he doing wrong for the greater good? Let me know what you think.
In other news, I'll be resuming a more frequent blogging schedule come September. Wasn't too long ago that I used to post a couple of times a week. There's quite a bit going on behind the scenes and I should be able to start talking a bit more about it soon.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Introducing...DEATH VALLEY!
Finally, I'm blogging about something other than THE MIGHTY. Not that there's anything wrong with blogging about The Mighty, is there?
Anyway, there's an interview up today on Newsarama introducing my new creator-owned project, Death Valley. If you like old west Outlaws, Ninjas, or Old West Outlaws fighting Ninjas then this is definitely the comic for you.
As you all know, smaller independent titles like Death Valley are often overlooked in favor of the larger selling titles. So I'd appreciate it if you'd remember this little book when placing your comic book orders. It's a good one, I think you'll like it.
Anyway, there's an interview up today on Newsarama introducing my new creator-owned project, Death Valley. If you like old west Outlaws, Ninjas, or Old West Outlaws fighting Ninjas then this is definitely the comic for you.
As you all know, smaller independent titles like Death Valley are often overlooked in favor of the larger selling titles. So I'd appreciate it if you'd remember this little book when placing your comic book orders. It's a good one, I think you'll like it.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Mighty Scoobysnacks!
Friends, nobles, and countrymen--
I come before you today--you, those stalwart men, women, and children who continue to read my blog in spite of the fact that I haven't updated it in far too long, to say thank you for checking back in. Now go out and buy The Mighty #6, on sale today, and watch the mystery of Alpha-One continue to grow. Is he good? Is he evil? Is he doing bad things for good reasons? Is he doing good things that appear, on the surface, to be bad? All these questions--and more--will be teased in front of your very eyes. Maybe some of them will be answered. Maybe you'll be left to come up with your own answers. Either way, hope you continue to enjoy the ride.
And if you happen to be looking for something a little more straightforward, check out the latest issue of Scooby Doo, also on stands today, where I've written a story called "From Russia With Glove." I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out and I enjoy writing Scooby and the gang quite a bit. It's a nice way to cleanse the pallet, free from choking continuity and massive crossovers. Had my fill of those for a while and, while I miss the royalty checks, I don't miss the headaches.
Thanks for checking in, enjoy the 4th, and let me know what you might think.
I come before you today--you, those stalwart men, women, and children who continue to read my blog in spite of the fact that I haven't updated it in far too long, to say thank you for checking back in. Now go out and buy The Mighty #6, on sale today, and watch the mystery of Alpha-One continue to grow. Is he good? Is he evil? Is he doing bad things for good reasons? Is he doing good things that appear, on the surface, to be bad? All these questions--and more--will be teased in front of your very eyes. Maybe some of them will be answered. Maybe you'll be left to come up with your own answers. Either way, hope you continue to enjoy the ride.
And if you happen to be looking for something a little more straightforward, check out the latest issue of Scooby Doo, also on stands today, where I've written a story called "From Russia With Glove." I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out and I enjoy writing Scooby and the gang quite a bit. It's a nice way to cleanse the pallet, free from choking continuity and massive crossovers. Had my fill of those for a while and, while I miss the royalty checks, I don't miss the headaches.
Thanks for checking in, enjoy the 4th, and let me know what you might think.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
The Mighty #5
As sucky of a blogger as I've evolved into being over the past few months, I'd be even suckier if I didn't mention that The Mighty #5 arrives in stores tomorrow, June 3rd, a day that will forever be remembered in history as MIGHTYDAY!
When last we left off in the world of The Mighty, it looked an awful lot like Alpha-One caused a massive car accident and then, under cover of the ensuing fire and conflagration, kidnapped a young girl and left a dead body in her place. Did we really see what we thought we saw? Or did we interpret Alpha-One's actions the way we've wanted to since first meeting him? After all, people have been saying he's "off" all along. And if he really did do something so horrible, could there be a justifiable reason for it? Who's to say Alpha-One wasn't saving the world from that girl in the car. Maybe she's a Skrull, did anyone ever think of that? Huh???
Only time will tell.
#5 marks the debut of new series artist Chris Samnee, who is ridiculously awesome and talented. If you're a fan of artists from the Toth school, you're going to fall in love.
#5 is also my personal favorite issue of the run to date (we've dialogued through #9 at this point). Which isn't to say that I don't like all the issues, because I've been really satisfied with everything up to this point. Just that #5 is when I really felt like we shifted into high gear. Here comes all the twists and turns, by all means enjoy the ride and let me know what you think.
And remember the name Taylor Rhines, first mentioned in #1.
When last we left off in the world of The Mighty, it looked an awful lot like Alpha-One caused a massive car accident and then, under cover of the ensuing fire and conflagration, kidnapped a young girl and left a dead body in her place. Did we really see what we thought we saw? Or did we interpret Alpha-One's actions the way we've wanted to since first meeting him? After all, people have been saying he's "off" all along. And if he really did do something so horrible, could there be a justifiable reason for it? Who's to say Alpha-One wasn't saving the world from that girl in the car. Maybe she's a Skrull, did anyone ever think of that? Huh???
Only time will tell.
#5 marks the debut of new series artist Chris Samnee, who is ridiculously awesome and talented. If you're a fan of artists from the Toth school, you're going to fall in love.
#5 is also my personal favorite issue of the run to date (we've dialogued through #9 at this point). Which isn't to say that I don't like all the issues, because I've been really satisfied with everything up to this point. Just that #5 is when I really felt like we shifted into high gear. Here comes all the twists and turns, by all means enjoy the ride and let me know what you think.
And remember the name Taylor Rhines, first mentioned in #1.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
The Mighty #4
Before I get started working this morning, I should probably point out that THE MIGHTY #4, America's favorite little comic that could, arrived in stores yesterday. Don't have my copies yet either, let's have a race to the comic shop!
Some people are going to say that they saw the end of #4 coming a mile away, I'm sure. But just because you may have seen something happen doesn't mean you know why it happened. The direction of the book shifts pretty radically over the next four issues, then again over the course of the final four. So hang on tight and by all means, let us know what you think!
Some people are going to say that they saw the end of #4 coming a mile away, I'm sure. But just because you may have seen something happen doesn't mean you know why it happened. The direction of the book shifts pretty radically over the next four issues, then again over the course of the final four. So hang on tight and by all means, let us know what you think!
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Oh, my poor, neglected blog...
I have in my hands, at long last, a copy of Dean Koontz' NEVERMORE #1, written by yours truly with art by Andy Smith, which arrived in stores last Wednesday. The first issue is 30 pages (instead of the usual 22 ) based on an original premise and characters created by Dean Koontz.
I think the first issue sets the stage pretty well for the series. First issues are always tough because there's so much stage setting to be done, it can leave little room for anything aside from pointing out who everyone is and what they want. I think we hit a nice balance by telling a complete story while still setting up the bigger picture.
Great coloring job over Andy's lush visuals, too.
I've got lots of blogging to catch up on, solicits for upcoming work to point out, Mighty thoughts to share etc. I should be back in the swing of updating fairly regularly again so if you're inclined, feel free to check back. And if you're a generous soul, try to find a copy of Nevermore #1.
I have in my hands, at long last, a copy of Dean Koontz' NEVERMORE #1, written by yours truly with art by Andy Smith, which arrived in stores last Wednesday. The first issue is 30 pages (instead of the usual 22 ) based on an original premise and characters created by Dean Koontz.
I think the first issue sets the stage pretty well for the series. First issues are always tough because there's so much stage setting to be done, it can leave little room for anything aside from pointing out who everyone is and what they want. I think we hit a nice balance by telling a complete story while still setting up the bigger picture.
Great coloring job over Andy's lush visuals, too.
I've got lots of blogging to catch up on, solicits for upcoming work to point out, Mighty thoughts to share etc. I should be back in the swing of updating fairly regularly again so if you're inclined, feel free to check back. And if you're a generous soul, try to find a copy of Nevermore #1.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Mighty #3
I really should be sleeping but I need to unwind after a late night of work. So it seems like a good time to update my poorly neglected blog.
I have it on good authority that The Mighty #3 arrives in stores tomorrow, April 1st, for the fine and discerning reader. Please check it out. I just proofread #6 and wrote the dialogue for #7 and, while I'm extremely biased, I really feel like we're on to something special here.
I've also heard around the bend that the first issue of NEVERMORE arrived in stores last week. I haven't done much to promote this project, in spite of the fact that it's an original Dean Koontz concept and worth your time and attention, because I don't know much about when it's going to ship. I've inquired with the Dabels many times for those important little details because I'd like to pimp this book out. I'm actually having a great time writing it and I want people to read what I feel is a very good comic. But if I'm not in the loop, there's only so much I can do. I hope to get a copy or two of the first issue for myself soon. See if you can beat me to it.
Going back to The Mighty, I never wrote up my Director's Cut notes on the second issue so, here you go.
I found it interesting that many comments and reviews I read of the second issue pegged Alpha-One as evil. What did he do, how did he act that would be such a red flag? Everything he does can be accounted for on panel, or justified in his dialogue. I think people just like conspiracy theories.
Is Alpha-One aloof or awkward? Sure. Have you ever met someone new and had trouble making conversation, or weren't quite ready to be yourself around them? Why should Alpha-One be any different? That's the angle Tomasi and I were playing with, the awkwardness that is sometimes inherent in making friends. Alpha-One is literally alone in the world, there's no one else like him. It stands to reason he'd have a hard time relating to someone new, or letting his guard down, or warming up immediately. Give him some time to let his personality come through before you jump to conclusions. Like I said before, lots of twists and turns to come. Enjoy the ride.
I have it on good authority that The Mighty #3 arrives in stores tomorrow, April 1st, for the fine and discerning reader. Please check it out. I just proofread #6 and wrote the dialogue for #7 and, while I'm extremely biased, I really feel like we're on to something special here.
I've also heard around the bend that the first issue of NEVERMORE arrived in stores last week. I haven't done much to promote this project, in spite of the fact that it's an original Dean Koontz concept and worth your time and attention, because I don't know much about when it's going to ship. I've inquired with the Dabels many times for those important little details because I'd like to pimp this book out. I'm actually having a great time writing it and I want people to read what I feel is a very good comic. But if I'm not in the loop, there's only so much I can do. I hope to get a copy or two of the first issue for myself soon. See if you can beat me to it.
Going back to The Mighty, I never wrote up my Director's Cut notes on the second issue so, here you go.
I found it interesting that many comments and reviews I read of the second issue pegged Alpha-One as evil. What did he do, how did he act that would be such a red flag? Everything he does can be accounted for on panel, or justified in his dialogue. I think people just like conspiracy theories.
Is Alpha-One aloof or awkward? Sure. Have you ever met someone new and had trouble making conversation, or weren't quite ready to be yourself around them? Why should Alpha-One be any different? That's the angle Tomasi and I were playing with, the awkwardness that is sometimes inherent in making friends. Alpha-One is literally alone in the world, there's no one else like him. It stands to reason he'd have a hard time relating to someone new, or letting his guard down, or warming up immediately. Give him some time to let his personality come through before you jump to conclusions. Like I said before, lots of twists and turns to come. Enjoy the ride.
Monday, March 23, 2009

Haven't felt much like blogging lately. I think I'm currently falling under the category of not having much nice to say so I'm not saying much of anything.
I've kept busy but life has been a struggle since "leaving" Supergirl. After being promised for the past couple of months that something would be coming down the pike to replace the gig, I've now been told that won't be the case any time in the immediate future, that it just hasn't worked out the way that particular editor was hoping.
That's comics for you.
At least I can hold my head up knowing that I've always conducted myself with honesty and professionalism. Too many of my co-workers over the years can't look in the mirror and say the same.
Anyway, DC released their solicit information for the month of June so here's what's coming down the pike with The Mighty. We've got an amazing new artist stepping in to make the book shine, while Mr. Snejberg sticks around to provide the sequential storytelling. And if you recall, I mentioned in a previous post that the names Taylor Rhines and Dominic Deeds would return to play a roll? Well, here's where they pop up.
Written by Peter J. Tomasi & Keith Champagne
Art by Chris Samnee
Cover by Dave Johnson
After last issue’s shocking finale, Gabriel Cole finds himself faced with a terrifying new threat. And it’s the only menace on Earth that his ally Alpha One can’t help him vanquish! Writers Tomasi and Champagne welcome the stunning art of new series regular Chris Samnee (CHECKMATE) as the saga of THE MIGHTY reveals its true shape!On sale June 3 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Check it out!
Monday, March 16, 2009
What? I have a blog??!? Heck, I guess I should update it sometime. Good thing no one is reading it!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
First of all, whatever happened to The Gerb?
Secondly, holy crap! The new Terminator movie looks 9 kinds of awesome. I had basically written the Terminator franchise off. Not to say that I don't enjoy the Sarah Connor Chronicles, I watch it once in a while, just that I thought the best days of the Terminator were far behind. But I gotta admit, the preview has me hoping...
Thirdly, my friend and frequent collaborator Andy Smith has started a blog at He's posting lots of art so by all means, check it out.
Fourthly, I've been advised not to announce my new project yet so I will heed that advice.
Fifthly, MIGHTY #2 arrives in stores tomorrow. Please let me know what you think in the comments section or via email. Also, if you encounter and online reviews, I'd appreciate it if you left links in the comments section so I can check 'em out when time permits.
Sixthly, Pat Gleason is far too busy and important to play phone tag with me anymore. The loss of his long voicemail messages is my own personal Darkest Night.
That is all. You are dismissed.
Secondly, holy crap! The new Terminator movie looks 9 kinds of awesome. I had basically written the Terminator franchise off. Not to say that I don't enjoy the Sarah Connor Chronicles, I watch it once in a while, just that I thought the best days of the Terminator were far behind. But I gotta admit, the preview has me hoping...
Thirdly, my friend and frequent collaborator Andy Smith has started a blog at He's posting lots of art so by all means, check it out.
Fourthly, I've been advised not to announce my new project yet so I will heed that advice.
Fifthly, MIGHTY #2 arrives in stores tomorrow. Please let me know what you think in the comments section or via email. Also, if you encounter and online reviews, I'd appreciate it if you left links in the comments section so I can check 'em out when time permits.
Sixthly, Pat Gleason is far too busy and important to play phone tag with me anymore. The loss of his long voicemail messages is my own personal Darkest Night.
That is all. You are dismissed.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Something different
I have a small window of time coming open in my schedule in the near future, probably a week or two at most, and I've had something in the back of my mind for a while that I thought I'd give a try to. No, not dancing on tables...get your mind out of the gutter, Mr. Ninja!
I've been thinking off and on for a couple of months about offering my services as a consultant for artists or writers trying to break into comics but looking for some professional insight and work advice before they submit their work to editors. A professional critiquer (is that a word?), if you will.
Having written, pencilled, inked, and colored at different points in my career, and been working full time in this silly industry for sixteen years now, I feel I've got a little credibility backing me up. Keep in mind the old adage about opinions and assholes, though. I don't have all the answers but I do have strong opinions about what makes a good comic, from story on down to lettering. I've also got a lot of good survival tips when it comes to navigating what can be a backstabbing, two-faced, cutthroat business. My opinion certainly isn't the end all, be all of anything, but I figure maybe it's worth listening to.
Or not, I guess we'll find out.
So if you've got a pitch or script you're trying to get off the ground, some art samples you'd like to have critiqued, a comic you've produced and are wondering how to get it to a wider audience...and on and on, feel free to drop me an email at I'm not sure what to charge for this kind of services, I need to ask around a bit with a few people I know who do this sort of thing, but I'm pretty sure no one will go bankrupt.
Next time I blog, I'm going to announce a new project.
I've been thinking off and on for a couple of months about offering my services as a consultant for artists or writers trying to break into comics but looking for some professional insight and work advice before they submit their work to editors. A professional critiquer (is that a word?), if you will.
Having written, pencilled, inked, and colored at different points in my career, and been working full time in this silly industry for sixteen years now, I feel I've got a little credibility backing me up. Keep in mind the old adage about opinions and assholes, though. I don't have all the answers but I do have strong opinions about what makes a good comic, from story on down to lettering. I've also got a lot of good survival tips when it comes to navigating what can be a backstabbing, two-faced, cutthroat business. My opinion certainly isn't the end all, be all of anything, but I figure maybe it's worth listening to.
Or not, I guess we'll find out.
So if you've got a pitch or script you're trying to get off the ground, some art samples you'd like to have critiqued, a comic you've produced and are wondering how to get it to a wider audience...and on and on, feel free to drop me an email at I'm not sure what to charge for this kind of services, I need to ask around a bit with a few people I know who do this sort of thing, but I'm pretty sure no one will go bankrupt.
Next time I blog, I'm going to announce a new project.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Back to The Mighty

DC releases their solicitations to May this afternoon so, real quick, here's Mighty #4 with my little comments after the blurb...
Written by Peter J. Tomasi & Keith Champagne
Art by Peter Snejbjerg
Cover by Dave Johnson
Fire on the horizon! Cole’s wife Janet is beginning to have deep misgivings about her husband’s trust in Alpha One – but where can she turn? You won't believe this issue's shocking finale, as the world of THE MIGHTY suddenly becomes deadly. And we're just getting started!
On sale May 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Me again. See those words "SHOCKING FINALE," there? Well, the last page is where the larger picture of this story will suddenly slam into focus and the reader will get an idea of what they've actually been reading all along. Fasten them safety belts, here comes the ride!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
What? Not about The Mighty?
I don't usually try to think too far ahead of LOST and figure out all the different mysteries of the show. I'm content to just follow along at its own pace and enjoy the answers as they come. But as I was driving yesterday, I came up with half a theory I thought I'd put out there.
In the same way that John Locke has seemingly had to die to bring the Oceanic Six together and back to the island, what if Christian Shephard died to bring the original Lost crew to the island? I have no idea about the why of it but I like the cyclical nature of my theory.
Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves.
In the same way that John Locke has seemingly had to die to bring the Oceanic Six together and back to the island, what if Christian Shephard died to bring the original Lost crew to the island? I have no idea about the why of it but I like the cyclical nature of my theory.
Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Mighty comments
Settling back in from my two weeks of travel and glad to be safely ensconced at home base once more. I took a few minutes tonight to do a quick skim of different comic review sites (thanks to "The Husband" for tipping me off to the CBR review) to see how the Mighty #1 is faring and I'm happy to see that readers seem pleased with the first issue. Very happy.
Last year, I did an online commentary track for the fourth issue of Arena and I thought I might try something similar for The Mighty, giving out my thoughts on each issue a week or so after it comes out. If you're already bored with reading about the book, have no fear! I'll blog about other boring things, too! I'm at least a two trick pony.
First issues are tough because usually, they involve so much stage setting and introduction of characters, that getting to the meat of the actual story can be a bit tricky, a balancing act that Tomasi in particular is good at. I think we established the overall tone of the book well, along with hinting at some character background that will come into play in a big way, and most importantly, establishing the mystery aspect of the story. I think people were also surprised to see that Alpha-One, the superhero of the story, is at least starting out in a supporting roll and that the lead has gone to Gabriel Cole.
Two names to keep fresh in the back of one's mind: Taylor Rhines and Dominic Deeds. Both are ex-captains of Section Omega who ended their tenure in very different ways, Rhines apparently going bugnuts crazy from the pressure while Deeds seems to have taken the Tom Clancy route with his retirement. Somewhere in the first five issues, these guys play into the story. It'll be helpful to remember them.
One comment I saw in a couple of different reviews was that the book felt very familiar, with Alpha-One being an analogue to Superman, and the fact that we homaged a few comic book tropes (Jimmy Olsen's signal watch, the more-powerful-than-a-locomotive iconography) to set the stage. Obviously, these were deliberate choices as was Alpha-One not actually speaking throughout, establishing him as a presence more than a personality. Peter and I want you to be comfortable, to feel like you immediately know and-- more or less--understand this world from a lifetime of comic book reading. There are layers to be peeled back and twists and turns coming. Just because you might vaguely feel like you've seen it all before doesn't necessarily mean you really know what you're seeing.
One other thing while I'm thinking of it. In our minds, PT and I wrote this series as chapters in a novel. Each issue is a different chapter in the overall story. It's paced a little differently than a regular comic as a result, another choice we deliberately made to serve the story better. I'd suggest if you like what you're reading, try to re-read the previous issue the night before you read the next one. If you're like me, you forget every detail of a comic you read in the four weeks it takes to get the next issue. I even sometimes forget the details of what I'm writing in the time between producing the next script. I've learned the hard way that a little refresher never hurts, that's all I'm saying.
Catch you next time, thanks for reading.
Last year, I did an online commentary track for the fourth issue of Arena and I thought I might try something similar for The Mighty, giving out my thoughts on each issue a week or so after it comes out. If you're already bored with reading about the book, have no fear! I'll blog about other boring things, too! I'm at least a two trick pony.
First issues are tough because usually, they involve so much stage setting and introduction of characters, that getting to the meat of the actual story can be a bit tricky, a balancing act that Tomasi in particular is good at. I think we established the overall tone of the book well, along with hinting at some character background that will come into play in a big way, and most importantly, establishing the mystery aspect of the story. I think people were also surprised to see that Alpha-One, the superhero of the story, is at least starting out in a supporting roll and that the lead has gone to Gabriel Cole.
Two names to keep fresh in the back of one's mind: Taylor Rhines and Dominic Deeds. Both are ex-captains of Section Omega who ended their tenure in very different ways, Rhines apparently going bugnuts crazy from the pressure while Deeds seems to have taken the Tom Clancy route with his retirement. Somewhere in the first five issues, these guys play into the story. It'll be helpful to remember them.
One comment I saw in a couple of different reviews was that the book felt very familiar, with Alpha-One being an analogue to Superman, and the fact that we homaged a few comic book tropes (Jimmy Olsen's signal watch, the more-powerful-than-a-locomotive iconography) to set the stage. Obviously, these were deliberate choices as was Alpha-One not actually speaking throughout, establishing him as a presence more than a personality. Peter and I want you to be comfortable, to feel like you immediately know and-- more or less--understand this world from a lifetime of comic book reading. There are layers to be peeled back and twists and turns coming. Just because you might vaguely feel like you've seen it all before doesn't necessarily mean you really know what you're seeing.
One other thing while I'm thinking of it. In our minds, PT and I wrote this series as chapters in a novel. Each issue is a different chapter in the overall story. It's paced a little differently than a regular comic as a result, another choice we deliberately made to serve the story better. I'd suggest if you like what you're reading, try to re-read the previous issue the night before you read the next one. If you're like me, you forget every detail of a comic you read in the four weeks it takes to get the next issue. I even sometimes forget the details of what I'm writing in the time between producing the next script. I've learned the hard way that a little refresher never hurts, that's all I'm saying.
Catch you next time, thanks for reading.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Mighty #1
A brief layover back in CT on my two week world tour.
While I have a second, I wanted to ask everyone to please pick up a copy of Mighty #1, on sale this Wednesday. And let me know what you think in the comments section, by all means.
I'm a little partial but I really feel that by the time the fourth or fifth issue of this book hits and the story is really rolling along, people will feel it's the best title DC is currently publishing.
Let's find out if I'm right.
While I have a second, I wanted to ask everyone to please pick up a copy of Mighty #1, on sale this Wednesday. And let me know what you think in the comments section, by all means.
I'm a little partial but I really feel that by the time the fourth or fifth issue of this book hits and the story is really rolling along, people will feel it's the best title DC is currently publishing.
Let's find out if I'm right.
Monday, January 26, 2009
More Mighty
Hmmmm...another post about THE MIGHTY. Noticing a trend here?
There's another article up on Ain't It Cool News regarding America's favorite new comic book. I didn't have much to do with this one. Tomasi put it together, it's a script to pencils to inks to colors guide to how a comic is made, using The Mighty as an example. Check it out if you're interested, here's the linkage:
After all these years of blogging (three!), I still don't know how to insert a live link. I'm pretty pathetic.
In other news, I finished my last page of Supergirl #38 today, ending my professional obligation to the book. While I'm not happy with the way things have ended, I'm very proud of the run of work Jamal and I produced over the last few years, from Firestorm to Nightwing to Supergirl. Some artists I've worked with, it's a struggle to fit my style or sensibilities with theirs. Jamal's work always felt like a very natural fit with my style. But all good things come to and end eventually, even Big Poppa and I. So I'm shelving my pens and brushes to focus on writing full-time again. I've got a couple of new projects lined up with different companies and, I'm told, a third shaping up at DC. Let's see what the future brings.
I'll be travelling the world the next couple of weeks so blogging will be even more sporadic than normal. Eventually, I'll end up at the New York Convention, at least the final day of the show. No idea what my signing schedule might be but maybe I'll catch you there.
Take care. THanks for reading.
There's another article up on Ain't It Cool News regarding America's favorite new comic book. I didn't have much to do with this one. Tomasi put it together, it's a script to pencils to inks to colors guide to how a comic is made, using The Mighty as an example. Check it out if you're interested, here's the linkage:
After all these years of blogging (three!), I still don't know how to insert a live link. I'm pretty pathetic.
In other news, I finished my last page of Supergirl #38 today, ending my professional obligation to the book. While I'm not happy with the way things have ended, I'm very proud of the run of work Jamal and I produced over the last few years, from Firestorm to Nightwing to Supergirl. Some artists I've worked with, it's a struggle to fit my style or sensibilities with theirs. Jamal's work always felt like a very natural fit with my style. But all good things come to and end eventually, even Big Poppa and I. So I'm shelving my pens and brushes to focus on writing full-time again. I've got a couple of new projects lined up with different companies and, I'm told, a third shaping up at DC. Let's see what the future brings.
I'll be travelling the world the next couple of weeks so blogging will be even more sporadic than normal. Eventually, I'll end up at the New York Convention, at least the final day of the show. No idea what my signing schedule might be but maybe I'll catch you there.
Take care. THanks for reading.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Coming in April...

Written by Peter J. Tomasi & Keith Champagne
Art by Peter Snejbjerg
Cover by Dave Johnson
Alpha One may be the most powerful being on the face of the planet, but emotionally, he’s vulnerable – and he needs a friend he can trust. His ally Gabriel Cole, who has just officially taken command of Section Omega, is becoming that friend. But neither man knows the danger they tempt by inviting each other into their homes. And what amazing secrets are hidden in Alpha One’s underground headquarters?
On sale April 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Follow me to victory
The one reading this post right now. Do you read my blog on a regular basis? Do you see that list of followers over to the left hand side of this entry? Do me a favor, join the club, and officially follow me. If I get enough people, I'm interested in starting a cult (I make GREAT kool-aid!!). We'd need a good name for our cult, a robust health and dental plan, and a large tract of land to commune on (hopefully somewhere warm). And we can do cool things like wear robes, debate Superman versus Thor, and get tax breaks from the government.
But it all starts with you. I promise not to poison anyone or marry all the ladies (sorry ladies). I also promise to have movie nights every other weekend. So follow me to victory!
The one reading this post right now. Do you read my blog on a regular basis? Do you see that list of followers over to the left hand side of this entry? Do me a favor, join the club, and officially follow me. If I get enough people, I'm interested in starting a cult (I make GREAT kool-aid!!). We'd need a good name for our cult, a robust health and dental plan, and a large tract of land to commune on (hopefully somewhere warm). And we can do cool things like wear robes, debate Superman versus Thor, and get tax breaks from the government.
But it all starts with you. I promise not to poison anyone or marry all the ladies (sorry ladies). I also promise to have movie nights every other weekend. So follow me to victory!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Gone in sixty seconds
The latest news is I'll be leaving Supergirl after issue #38. I'm not sure if I'll be completing the entire lead story. I'd like to but am leaving for vacation on February 1st. The way work dribbles in on the book, I don't know if I'll have the entire issue to finish before I go.
Based on some recent developments in my personal life, it's not the greatest time for me to be leaving the book--and the steady paycheck of a monthly--but the decision wasn't mine this time. I could bore you with the backstage shenanigans but there's a reason they're called backstage shenanigans. Because, y''s mischief and it's behind the scenes. Anyway, I wish the team nothing but luck.
So...what's next for me? That's in the process of being worked out but rest assured I'll land on my feet. Always have, always will. I've been moonlighting as a writer for a video game company the past year, I plan on devoting more time to that work and I expect you'll be seeing me focus on writing more comics and inking less. I think I prefer to sit in the driver's seat...not the ejector seat.
Stay tuned for the further adventures of America's favorite writer/inker!
Based on some recent developments in my personal life, it's not the greatest time for me to be leaving the book--and the steady paycheck of a monthly--but the decision wasn't mine this time. I could bore you with the backstage shenanigans but there's a reason they're called backstage shenanigans. Because, y''s mischief and it's behind the scenes. Anyway, I wish the team nothing but luck.
So...what's next for me? That's in the process of being worked out but rest assured I'll land on my feet. Always have, always will. I've been moonlighting as a writer for a video game company the past year, I plan on devoting more time to that work and I expect you'll be seeing me focus on writing more comics and inking less. I think I prefer to sit in the driver's seat...not the ejector seat.
Stay tuned for the further adventures of America's favorite writer/inker!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Let's see...what to blog about?
I'm in the middle of dialoguing THE MIGHTY #5 and it's one of those nights where coming up with words for the balloons feels like pulling teeth from the all-powerful Zeus. I wish I had something witty to follow that up with but it's just not flowing. Or actually, it is. It's just flowing in a really bad, upset stomach kind of way. Frustrating.
I'm interested in hearing what everyone's New Year's resolutions are this year, if you're the type of quasi-anonymous blog readers that make New Year's resolutions. Aside from my plan to make ONE MILLION DOLLARS in '09, I'm going to finally build (or have built) my website because all the cool kids have one these days. I'm also going to be more interactive with the comments on this blog. Too often, I skim through but don't reply to anything. So I'll make an effort to be more polite. I guess the same could apply to returning phone calls, which I'm pretty horrible at doing promptly.
Aside from work-related stuff, on a personal level, I'm going to massage my self-esteem this year. I think waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too highly of myself, it's really sick how awesome I am. Or maybe the opposite. So I got to thinking it may be healthy to round myself off to a more normal level, either way. And if I don't have anything nice to say, I'm not going to kill myself to say something nice.
How about you?
I'm in the middle of dialoguing THE MIGHTY #5 and it's one of those nights where coming up with words for the balloons feels like pulling teeth from the all-powerful Zeus. I wish I had something witty to follow that up with but it's just not flowing. Or actually, it is. It's just flowing in a really bad, upset stomach kind of way. Frustrating.
I'm interested in hearing what everyone's New Year's resolutions are this year, if you're the type of quasi-anonymous blog readers that make New Year's resolutions. Aside from my plan to make ONE MILLION DOLLARS in '09, I'm going to finally build (or have built) my website because all the cool kids have one these days. I'm also going to be more interactive with the comments on this blog. Too often, I skim through but don't reply to anything. So I'll make an effort to be more polite. I guess the same could apply to returning phone calls, which I'm pretty horrible at doing promptly.
Aside from work-related stuff, on a personal level, I'm going to massage my self-esteem this year. I think waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too highly of myself, it's really sick how awesome I am. Or maybe the opposite. So I got to thinking it may be healthy to round myself off to a more normal level, either way. And if I don't have anything nice to say, I'm not going to kill myself to say something nice.
How about you?
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Good Riddance!
Good riddance to 2008. I'm not even going to give it a goodbye hug, just a swift kick in the ass on its way to the slush pile.
2008 was probably my most frustrating year professionally of any of the 16 years I've now spent working in the comic book field. It was a year full of behind-the scenes soap opera and politics and battles that I fought--most of which I lost. Many were the times I questioned why I even continue to work in comics, a field where hard work and merit seem to count for nothing most of the time, and the best answer I could come up with is: I'm too stubborn to quit. I'm a cockroach, I've worked too hard and too long at this to tuck my head and call it a day.
As various projects I've been working on were killed or delayed indefinitely, it became hard not to feel like I've had some kind of dark cloud over my head. And just as I thought I had escaped to a fresh start in 2009, 2008 kicked me in the balls one last time. Jamal knows what I'm talking about.
So bring it on, 2009. Hit me with your best shot. I'm refocused, I'm standing tall, I'm smiling, and I'm not going anywhere. This is the year of THE MIGHTY. This is the year JOKER: YEAR ONE will (finally) arrive. NEVERMORE starts in March. There are more projects shaping up on the horizon and, while I've learned the hard way not all of them will see the light of day, that doesn't mean I won't stop fighting.
Dirty this time.
By the way, my new year's resolution is to make ONE MILLION DOLLARS in 09. If anyone has any tips how to go about it, by all means share.
Happy New Year!
2008 was probably my most frustrating year professionally of any of the 16 years I've now spent working in the comic book field. It was a year full of behind-the scenes soap opera and politics and battles that I fought--most of which I lost. Many were the times I questioned why I even continue to work in comics, a field where hard work and merit seem to count for nothing most of the time, and the best answer I could come up with is: I'm too stubborn to quit. I'm a cockroach, I've worked too hard and too long at this to tuck my head and call it a day.
As various projects I've been working on were killed or delayed indefinitely, it became hard not to feel like I've had some kind of dark cloud over my head. And just as I thought I had escaped to a fresh start in 2009, 2008 kicked me in the balls one last time. Jamal knows what I'm talking about.
So bring it on, 2009. Hit me with your best shot. I'm refocused, I'm standing tall, I'm smiling, and I'm not going anywhere. This is the year of THE MIGHTY. This is the year JOKER: YEAR ONE will (finally) arrive. NEVERMORE starts in March. There are more projects shaping up on the horizon and, while I've learned the hard way not all of them will see the light of day, that doesn't mean I won't stop fighting.
Dirty this time.
By the way, my new year's resolution is to make ONE MILLION DOLLARS in 09. If anyone has any tips how to go about it, by all means share.
Happy New Year!
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