Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Scanner test

I'm getting my work computer back up to speed after a system crash and burn. Here I am, testing my scanner. This is a panel from the upcoming All-New Atom #18, my inks over Andy Smith's pencils.


Brad Brown said...

Looks like she's trying to fend off my advances again. Your loss baby!

Have you every been to the Boston Comic con? May and I are taking her neices on Sunday. I have no idea what the atmosphere is like there.

Looking forward to your new stuff coming out during the next few months. I may have to buy another long box just for your books alone. Keep up the good work.


Tom Nguyen said...

nice nice NICE job to my brothers in taco!


keith champagne said...

Hart, you can email me at keith.o.graphics@snet.net if you're interesting in grabbing some artwork.

Brady, sorry...never been to the Boston Comic Con. Let me know what you think.

Thanks, Tom!