My twenty year high school reunion has come and gone and I had a great time mingling with old friends and learning what many of the faces and names of my childhood have gone on to accomplish in their lives. It's heartening to see so many doing well and aging gracefully. I was initially reluctant to attend the reunion because I wasn't sure what I would really have in common with anyone anymore. But like a bad Disney movie (thanks, Matt Damon), at the end of the day I learned an important lesson. Old friends are the best kind. We're all the same, cut from the same cloth, and there's an instinctive comraderie among those who went through puberty together.
So in the spirit of high school, here's a few official MHS class of 88 awards. And while these names won't mean anything to the comic book readers of my blog, I learned that more than a few of my old friends read this stupid thing. So this one's for them.
Best Orange Pants (and full back tattoo): Stephan Dobiejko.
Person I would never have recognized walking down the street (female): Marisol Montalvo.
Person I would never have recognized walking down the street (male): Brett Chism.
Person who looks exactly the same (male): TIE! Lance Baier and Joe Calash.
Person who looks exactly the same (female): Jen Ramos.
Lowest percentage of body fat: Heather Stevens.
Person I didn't get to catch up with but really wanted to: Lou Rollins.
Person with the most obscure shared childhood memory: Liz Nagengast (who remembers how my brother Kenny was bumped from our farm system team to little league because he was way better than we were.)
Joker: Year One: The mysterious prestige format project Doug Mahnke and I have been working on for DC (Still paying attention, comic readers?).
And in closing, in a nice bit of symmetry, the pic on this entry is my friend Dawn and I, all grown up from the earlier pic of us going to our freshman homecoming dance. My haircut is a little better this time around. By next time, I probably won't have any hair at all.
Good times. Thanks, guys.
1 comment:
That's cool Keith! I've recently been in touch with some old pals through facebook and it's nice to catch up. Love all these new projects you have coming out, it's good to see. :) If you have some time, check out my blog (this one) to see some good news of my own.
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