Monday, June 30, 2008

Look! Up in the sky...

This past weekend, DC Comics announced the new Supergirl creative team at the Chicago convention. So let me throw my name in the mix, because inkers don't really get acknowledged in that context.

So...for the seven people that care, I'll be digging out my brushes and pens and coming out of inking "retirement" to join Team Supergirl. Jamal was nice enough to call and ask if I'd be interested and when Big Poppa asks, I say "How High!"

I worry about having the time to properly handle a monthly book again. I'm simultaneously juggling a few different writing projects with five more in various stages of development but, let's face it: having too much to do is the best kind of problem to have in this business. I'm hoping to produce the first six issues with Jamal and then pick my head up, look around, and see what kind of shape I'm in.

So keep one eye up in the sky...we'll try to put together a good book for everyone to read.

(PS- a blogspot "internal error" is keeping me from posting the inked Supergirl promo piece. I'll pop it up when I can.)


Homesick At Space Camp said...

That is awesome news!


Dan said...

Eight people Keith.

There are Eight peopke that care!


Congrats on the gig man.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.

Unknown said...

They're doing Supergirl again? I'm so out of the loop...

Ryan Schrodt said...

Awesome news Keith! I'm really looking forward to this one.

moira said...

And some "ghostly" congratulations as well? :)

jackpurcell38 said...

sounds like a great combo Keith! Good talking with you at the nyc con. See you in San Diego?! Back to Batgirl...